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Just Imagine

Just Imagine            Gerry O'Shea

Just imagine the outrage on the political right, If a Democratic President called his attorney general an idiot and a fool, mocking his appearance, comparing him to the clownish Mr. Magoo,  because the AG wouldn't illegally protect him and his family rather than do his sworn duty according to the constitution.

If a well-researched story claiming that, let us say, one of Obama's lawyers paid a named prostitute $130,000 a few days before the presidential election to buy her silence, just imagine how he would be trashed by the Christian fundamentalist leaders inside and outside Washington. They would hold their noses while decrying the breakdown of the whole moral order.

Think of the giggling by Paul Ryan and company if a Democratic president, who had evaded service in Vietnam by getting five deferments because of a faulty heel, proclaimed his bravery by asserting, with a straight face, that if he was in the vicinity when students were being murdered in their school by a madman with a weapon of war that he, unarmed, would have confronted the gunman.

Just imagine if family members of an Obama or a Clinton were shamelessly promoting their businesses to enhance their profits while supposedly serving their country at the highest level in Washington. Just think about the response from the many vocal moralists in the other party.

How would John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham react if in a Democratic administration the man appointed to deal with the knotty problems in the Middle East and Mexico could not get a full national security clearance? Those serious patriots in the Republican Party would surely go berserk.

Imagine the guffaws from the Right if a Democratic president claimed that there was a bigger crowd than his predecessor at his inauguration even though the cameras clearly showed the very opposite.

Consider the reaction in Republican circles if after the belligerent Putin, the man who ordered the Russian invasion of Ukraine, boasted about his  new nuclear weapons that could avoid America's missile defense system and strike Florida, and a Democrat in the White House didn't even respond - not even a verbal rejoinder - to this threat. Would the Republican leaders decry and bemoan the abysmal lack of patriotism in the White House?

Imagine the loud conservative drumbeat if a Democratic president broke with tradition and refused to show the American people his tax returns.

Imagine a Democratic leader saying from the White House  that "trade wars are good and easy to win." Would Republican leaders angrily condemn such a person as a simpleton?

President Trump in reacting to the thuggery by neo-Nazis in  Charlottesville insisted that blame for the mayhem and the murder of an innocent woman had to be shared with the crowd protesting the Nazis. Just imagine if President Obama  made a similarly obscene statement.

Just think of the Republican response if a petulant Democrat in the White House ranted against the media as "the enemies of the people."

What would the Republican reaction be if a Democratic president had told over 2000 verifiable lies during his first year in office? Just imagine!


Blog     wemustbetalking



Just Imagine            Gerry O'Shea

Just imagine the outrage on the political right, If a Democratic President called his attorney general an idiot and a fool, mocking his appearance, comparing him to the clownish Mr. Magoo,  because the AG wouldn't illegally protect him and his family rather than do his sworn duty according to the constitution.

If a well-researched story claiming that, let us say, one of Obama's lawyers paid a named prostitute $130,000 a few days before the presidential election to buy her silence, just imagine how he would be trashed by the Christian fundamentalist leaders inside and outside Washington. They would hold their noses while decrying the breakdown of the whole moral order.

Think of the giggling by Paul Ryan and company if a Democratic president, who had evaded service in Vietnam by getting five deferments because of a faulty heel, proclaimed his bravery by asserting, with a straight face, that if he was in the vicinity when students were being murdered in their school by a madman with a weapon of war that he, unarmed, would have confronted the gunman.

Just imagine if family members of an Obama or a Clinton were shamelessly promoting their businesses to enhance their profits while supposedly serving their country at the highest level in Washington. Just think about the response from the many vocal moralists in the other party.

How would John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham react if in a Democratic administration the man appointed to deal with the knotty problems in the Middle East and Mexico could not get a full national security clearance? Those serious patriots in the Republican Party would surely go berserk.

Imagine the guffaws from the Right if a Democratic president claimed that there was a bigger crowd than his predecessor at his inauguration even though the cameras clearly showed the very opposite.

Consider the reaction in Republican circles if after the belligerent Putin, the man who ordered the Russian invasion of Ukraine, boasted about his  new nuclear weapons that could avoid America's missile defense system and strike Florida, and a Democrat in the White House didn't even respond - not even a verbal rejoinder - to this threat. Would the Republican leaders decry and bemoan the abysmal lack of patriotism in the White House?

Imagine the loud conservative drumbeat if a Democratic president broke with tradition and refused to show the American people his tax returns.

Imagine a Democratic leader saying from the White House  that "trade wars are good and easy to win." Would Republican leaders angrily condemn such a person as a simpleton?

President Trump in reacting to the thuggery by neo-Nazis in  Charlottesville insisted that blame for the mayhem and the murder of an innocent woman had to be shared with the crowd protesting the Nazis. Just imagine if President Obama  made a similarly obscene statement.

Just think of the Republican response if a petulant Democrat in the White House ranted against the media as "the enemies of the people."

What would the Republican reaction be if a Democratic president had told over 2000 verifiable lies during his first year in office? Just imagine!


Blog     wemustbetalking




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