Immigration Issues in America Gerry O'Shea Emma Lazarus' famous poem on the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor displays an amazing American national motif, unmatched by any other country. It articulates an open invitation to people from all over the world, beckoning them, irrespective of their circumstances, to become a part of the American experiment in democracy. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, your homeless, tempest - tossed to me. Lazarus, a descendant of Sephardic Jews from Portugal, wrote these lines in 1883 at a time when the powerful Know-Nothing movement was in its pomp, especially in New York and Massachusetts. They preached hatred of all immigrants, in particular of the Irish who came to America in the 19th century in their hundreds of thousands to escape poverty and hunger. The Know-Nothings, who wanted a country that, in the